Home - Professor


Li-Hao Zhao

Lihao Zhao 赵立豪

Associate Professor


Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China


+86 10 62790759



Research Interests

  • Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of wall turbulence.

  • Turbulent dispersed multiphase flow.

Work Experiences

2016~ now

Associate Professor in Fluid Mechanics
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, NTNU, Norway.


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Engineer
Department of Engineering Mechanics CEDIC Ltd., Co., South Korea.



Ph.D. Fluid Engineering
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.


M.S. Aerospace Engineering
School of Mechanical Aerospace and Systems Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea.


B.S. Power Engineering of Aircraft
Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China.

Honors and Awards


National Thousand Talents Program for Young Scholars
sponsored by China government.


The research work was featured in a Focus on Fluids article in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.


Da Vinci Award: Best European Doctoral Thesis on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (silver medallist)sponsored by European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC).


Outstanding Dissertation Award
sponsored by Brain Korea 21(BK21) program, South Korea.

Commissions of trust


Editorial Advisory Board Member of Heliyon.


Editorial Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Multiphase Flow.


Editorial Advisory Board Member of Acta Mechanica.


Reviewer of research proposal of NWO Domain Science (Netherlands)


Reviewer for 10+ Scientific Journals:
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Acta Mechanica, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow etc.


Focus Session Chair in the 9th International Conference of Multiphase Flow, Florence, Italy.


Session chair in the 8th International Conference of Multiphase Flow, Jeju, South Korea.


(* - corresponding author)

35. L. Zhao, K. Gustavsson, R. Ni, S. Kramel, G. Voth, H. Andersson and B. Mehlig*, "Passive directors in turbulence" , Physical Review Fluids, in press., (2019).

34. Z. Cui, L. Zhao*, W. Huang and C. Xu, "Stability analysis of rotational dynamics of ellipsoids in simple shear flow" , Physics of Fluids, 31, 23301(2019).(Editor's Pick)

33. Y. Jie, L. Zhao*, C. Xu, and H. Andersson, "Preferential orientation of tracer spheroids in turbulent channel flow" , Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, accepted, (2019).

32. N. Guo, T. Li*, L. Zhao and T. Lovas, "Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of pulverized biomass jet using spheroidal particle approximation" , Fuel, 239, 636-651 (2019).

31. R. Li, Z. Cui, W. Huang*, L. Zhao and C. Xu, "On Rotational Dynamics of a Finite-sized Ellipsoidal Particle in Shear Flows" , Acta Mechanica, 230, 449-467(2018).

30. A. Eshghinejadfard*, L. Zhao and D. Thevenina, "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of resolved oblate spheroids in wall turbulence" , Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 849, 510-540 (2018).

29. W. Yuan, L. Zhao*, H. Andersson and J. Deng, "Three-dimensional Voronoï analysis of preferential concentration of spheroidal particles" , Physics of Fluids, 30, 63304(2018).

28. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Mean-shear versus orientation isotropy: effects on inertialess spheroids' rotation mode in wall turbulence" , Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 844, 796-816 (2018).

27. W. Yuan, L. Zhao*, N. R. Challabotla, H.I. Andersson and J. Deng, "On wall-normal motions of inertial spheroids in vertical turbulent channel flows" , Acta Mechanica, 229, 2947-965 (2018).

26. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Particle segregation in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow with vanishing wall shear" , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 98, 45-55 (2018).

25. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Preferential particle concentration in wall-bounded turbulence with zero skin friction" , Physics of Fluids, 29, 113302(2017).

24. W. Yuan, H.I. Andersson, L. Zhao*, N. R. Challabotla and J. Deng, "Dynamics of disk-like particles in turbulent vertical channel flow" , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 96, 86-100 (2017).

23. K. Yang, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flow with zero wall shear" , International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 63, 14-27 (2017).

22. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Orientation and rotation dynamics of triaxial ellipsoidal tracers in wall turbulence" , Physics of Fluids, 28, 123304(2016).

21. L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Why spheroids orient preferentially in near-wall turbulence" ,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 807, 221-234 (2016).

20. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "On fiber behavior in turbulent vertical channel flow" , Chemical Engineering Science, 153, 75-86 (2016).

19. N. Challabotla*, L. Zhao and H. I. Andersson, "Gravity effects on fiber dynamics in wall turbulence Flow" , Turbulence and Combustion, 97, 1095-1110 (2016).

18. Z. Gao*, H. I. Andersson, H. Dai, F. Jiang and L. Zhao, "A new Eulerian–Lagrangian agent method to model fish paths in a vertical slot fishway" , Ecological Engineering, 88, 217-225 (2016).

17. C. Marchioli, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "On the relative rotational motion between elongated fibers and fluid in turbulent channel flow" , Physics of Fluids, 28, 13301(2016).

16. L. Zhao*, N. Challabotla, H. I. Andersson and E. Variano, "Rotation of Nonspherical Particles in Turbulent Channel Flow" , Physical Review Letters, 115, 244501(2015).

15. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Shape effects on dynamics of inertia-free particles in wall turbulence." , Physics of Fluids, 27, 61703(2015).

14. H. I. Andersson, L. Zhao* and E. Variano, "On the relative rotational motion between elongated fibers and fluid in turbulent channel flow" , AMSE Journal of Fluid Engineering, 137, 84503(2015).

13. N. Challabotla, L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Orientation and rotation of inertial disk particles in wall turbulence" , Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 766, R2 (2015).(This publication was featured in a JFM Focus on Fluids paper)

12. L. Zhao*, C. Marchioli and H. I. Andersson, "Slip velocity of rigid fibers in turbulent channel flow" , Physics of Fluids, 25, 63302(2014).

11. C. Nilsen*, H. I. Andersson and L. Zhao, "A Voronoi analysis of preferential concentration in a vertical channel flow" , Physics of Fluids, 25, 115108(2013).

10. L. Zhao*, H. I. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, "On inertial effects on long fibers in wall turbulence: concentration, orientation and fiber stresses" , Acta Mechanica, 224, 2375-2384 (2013).(Invited article)

9. H. I. Andersson and L. Zhao*, "Bridging the gap between continuum mechanical micro-rotation viscosity and Lagrangian point-particles" , ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, 135, 124502(2013).

8. L. Zhao*, H. I. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, "Interphasial energy transfer and particle dissipation in particle-laden wall turbulence" , Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 715, 32-59 (2013).

7. L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "Statistics of particle suspensions in turbulent channel flow" , Communications in Computational Physics, 11, 1311-1322 (2012).

6. L. Zhao*, C. Marchioli and H. I. Andersson, "Particle slip velocity in wall-bounded turbulence and implications for dispersion models" , Physics of Fluids (Letters), 24, 21705(2012).

5. H. I. Andersson*, L. Zhao and M. Barri, "Torque-coupling and particle-turbulence interactions" , Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 696, 319-329 (2012).

4. T. Li*, L. Zhao, X. Ku, H.I. Andersson and T. Lovas, "Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow" , Thermal Science, 16, 1510-1514 (2012).

3. L. Zhao* and H. I. Andersson, "On particle spin in a two-way coupled turbulent channel flow simulation " ,Physics of Fluids, 24, 93302(2011).

2. L. Zhao*, H. I. Andersson and J. J. J. Gillissen, "Turbulence modulation and drag reduction by spherical particle" ,Physics of Fluids (Letters), 22, 81702(2010).

1. H. I. Andersson* and L. Zhao, "DNS of non-spherical particles in turbulent flow " ,ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 84, 93302(2010).