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Emeritus Professor

Guixiang Cui

Cui Guixiang



E-mail address:cxg@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


Cui,Guixiang Professor




office:Room 3312, Yifu Jishu Kexue Lou, Tsinghua University, Qinghuayuan, Haidianqu, Beijing


Education background

1997 .1. Graduted from Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University, majored in Fluid Mechanics

1997-1993 Asistant and Lacturer in Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University

1982 Granted Master Degree of Engjineering, majored in Fluid mechanics

1993-2003 Associate Professor in Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University

1998-1999 Visiting Professor in Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France for 3 months

2001-2003 Guest Professor in Ecole Centrale de Lyon employed by France Ministry of Education for 4 months each year.

2003- Full professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at Tsinghua University

Teaching experience

1 Undergraduate course: Fluid Mechanics

2.Degree courses for postgraduate students: Viscous Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics

3.Advisor for 8 Master degree students, one of them granted outstanding Master thesis.

4.Advisor for 6 Ph.D students, one of them granted outstanding Doctor dissertation

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Turbulence, Atmoshperic environmental flows, Large Eddy Simulation of Complex turbulent flows

Academic Achievement


1. Fluid Mechnics (first edition),1999, co-author, Tsinghua University Press.

2. Fluid Mechnics (second edition), 2006 co-author, Tsinghua University Press.

3. Theory and simulation of turbulence 2005 co-author, Tsinghua University Press

4. Theory and Application of Large Eddy Simulation for turbulent flows (to appear in 2007) co-author, Tsinghua University Press

Major contributions in Journal (10 papers)

[1] Liu Y.S. and Cui G.X and Wang Z.S. and Zhang Z.S. Large eddy simulation of wind field and pollutant dispersion in downtown Macao Atmospheric Environment Vol. 45 2849-2859 2011

[2] Liu Y.S.1 and Cui G.X. and Wang Z.S.2 and Huang W.X.1 and Xu C.X.1 and Zhang Z.S.A composite model for complex building street configuration in large eddy simulation of local urban atmospheric environment Science in China G Vol.54 No.4 716-723 , 2011

[3] YANG ZiXuan, CUI GuiXiang, XU ChunXiao, SHAO Liang, ZHANG ZhaoShun,The effect of Taylor-Görtler vortex on Reynolds stress transport in the rotating turbulent channel flow Science in China G .2010-04 Vol.53 No.4, 735-744

[4] SHEN Zhi, LI Yupeng, CUI Guixiang , ZHANG Zhaoshun Large eddy simulation of stably stratified turbulence , Science in China G .2010-01 Vol.53 No.1, 135-146

[5]G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, L. Fang, L. Shao and Z.S. Zhang , (2007.7) , New subgrid eddy viscosity model for large eddy simulation of anisotropy turbulence , Journal of Fluid Mechanics VOL.582

[6] R.F. Shi, *G.X. Cui, Z.S. Wang, C.X. Xu and Z.S. Zhang , 2007, Large eddy simulation of wind field and plume dispersion in building array , Atmospheric Environment

[7] Lan Xu * ,Guixiang Cui ,Chunxiao Xu , Zhishi Wang, Zhaoshun Zhang and Naixiang Chen , 2006, High Accurate Finite Volume Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows , International Journal of TURBO & JET-ENGINES, 23: 191 -210

[8] Fang Le, Cui Guixiang ,Xu Chunxiao, Zhang Zhaoshun , 2005-11 , The multi-scale analysis of energy transfer in scalar* turbulence 《Chinese Physics Letters》Vol 22 No.11

[9]Cui Guixiang , Haibing Zhou*and Zhaoshun Zhang ,Liang Shao 2004 -08A dynamic subgrid eddy viscosity model with application to turbulent channel flow Physics of Fluids 16:2835-2842

[10] Haibing Zhou*, Guixiang Cui and Zhaoshun Zhang , 2002-03 , Dependence of turbulent scalar flux on molecular Prandtl number , Physics of Fluids, 14:2388-2394